AI to understand how and what your teams are doing

InSummary provides visibility into employee activities to make faster decisions and prevent risks before they materialize.

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Your own personal summary in 2 mins or less
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Your own personal
summary in 2 mins or less
Summaries for your company & team
No intrusive monitoring
No lengthy setup or implementation
No data entry required. It's automatic!
Real-time insights into employee work patterns across platforms you use every day
MS Teams
Visibility Without Micromanagement
✔ Gain a macro view of team productivity without intrusive monitoring
✔ Operates within your organization’s existing data access policies
✔ Self assessment tools to help employees manage their own productivity
✗ No keystroke tracking
✗ No camera access
✗ No personal device monitoring

How will InSummary help you?

Use inSummary’s AI powered insights into how effort is spent across your teams, projects and initiatives to make your most informed business decisions yet.

Full-Org Priority Alignment
Transparency that eliminates confusion about company priorities and ensures teams are working on the right tasks to meet organizational goals
Proactive Risk Management
Detects when projects are at risk, enabling timely intervention from executives and team leads to get the team back on track.
Eliminate Operational Blind Spots
Executive insights that decrease the risk of being blindsided by issues that could have been prevented with a more timely intervention.
Data-Backed Decision Making
Transform your organization's slow decision-making into swift, confident business decisions backed by timely, unbiased data.
Team Engagement Measuring
Gives you the data to identify when team members are disengaged, and ability to address potential burnout proactively.

Realign Team Priorities

Avoid wasted effort and misaligned priorities. InSummary keeps your team focused on the most impactful tasks that drive your strategic goals forward.

Avoid teams working on the wrong tasks or side projects
Eliminate the need for constant realignment with strategic goals
Understand the tasks taking up your team’s “busy work” time

Personal Summary

Empower employees to assess their own productivity and easily summarize & share their weekly accomplishments.

Company Summary

Provides executives with an overview of team activities, project status and potential distractions to make informed decisions and keep the team on track.

Your team will love InSummary too!

Understand your team's engagement level and work patterns without stepping on their autonomy.

Brise Carpenter
Head of CS & Onboarding @Hostfully
“Before I found InSummary I was spending a couple of hours each week in preparation for 1:1 meetings with the President of my company. Now that time’s down to about 15 minutes and I’m easily able to review meetings and relevant slack messages from the week prior. Not only does inSummary save me time but it also helps me reflect on HOW my time was spent and forces me to think about how I can get more efficient!”
COO of $2B+ Enterprise

When faced with an organizational design decision, InSummary provided the objective data we needed to act quickly, confidently, and accurately. It allowed us to easily reprioritize team efforts and align the entire org around our evolving company goals.
How we can help you?

Lead with confidence.

Using real-time, unbiased workforce insights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions ordered by popularity. Remember that if the visitor has not committed to the call to action, they may still have questions (doubts) that can be answered.

What can I do with a personal account?
With the free version of InSummary, you will receive weekly personal summaries based on your calendar. This report identifies which initiatives are getting your attention, allows you to share your progress with colleagues in 1 click and minimizes the need for frequent status meetings.

You can also run team summaries for your colleagues, as long as you have existing visibility into their calendars. Team summaries provide you data-driven insights to improve team performance, and ensure your team is spending their time and resources on the right projects.
What is the setup like?
Setup is simple and takes 2 mins or less. Sign up for an InSummary account using your work email address where you take the majority of your meetings. Connect your calendar and you're all set.

If you already have visibility into your colleagues' calendars, you will be able to run team summaries immediately after setup.

If you do not already have visibility into your colleagues calendars, find instructions to subscribe to someone's calendar here: Google, Outlook.
What data is used?
InSummary accesses event data from your work calendar. InSummary never touches or summarizes events marked as "private."
How do you treat my data?
Customer data is treated with the highest degree of sensitivity. Data is encrypted in transit and at rest, and stored in a secured environment. Your data will never be sold or used to train external LLMs. For details refer to our privacy policy.
How can I get my whole company to use this?
InSummary will give you the most accurate picture of your full organization using the enterprise plan. We offer additional configuration options to give you visibility across your entire org. For more information, email
Need more help?
Reach out at the link below, and someone from our team will be happy to help.
Contact us